Did you happen to record Monty Python’s Flying Circus
when it was shown on PBS back in the 1970s?
Do you still have the tapes?
Is there a TIME LIFE logo at the end?
If so, please write to me. Thank you!

Click here to learn the story.




The sum total of my knowledge of this project:

Iain F. McAsh, “Take 1: People in Camera — BOLD AS BRASS,” Films on Screen and Video vol. 5, no. 2,
February 1985, pp. 22–23:

Of his... future projects, one is set in England in the eighteenth century. It is a story like a combination of Henry Fielding with Tom Jones and Fanny Hill. “It is a lot like Tom and Fanny. I have already looked at locations and lots of English castles, but it would be very expensive to make. I would have liked to have lived in those days. You either lived in a castle and were very rich, or in a kitchen and were very poor. In fact, I think I have lived in a previous life. I have a very precise memory for details from those earlier times.”

Then he adds gleefully, “I would have felt more at home then than as a man of today. I love the pleasure of the senses; hedonistic, libertine behaviour. I enjoy eating, drinking, enjoying myself, making love.”

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