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Ted Obrien was understandably confused by this confusion, and so he confusedly told us a little bit, and that got me confused, too, because, after all, this is all so bloody confusing:

After it was on PBS, Janus got control over it & transfered the sound to a Brandon print. They dont mention BBC as the creators of the soundtrack. The print used on PBS was a really nice & used 35mm. The print used by Janus was bad so all they did was transfer the sound to a bad print. In addition, by speeding it up they changed the pitch of the BBC sound making it worse. Janus could not leave well enough alone.

It is so frustrating that Ted is no longer around. I wish I could tell him that this was not a matter of Janus not leaving well enough alone. Janus simply loaned its logo to PBS for a one-time transmission of the Eckart Jahnke edition, per contract. Janus’s contract with EMI_Elstree expired, and so it licensed a different version of the film from the Deutsches Institut für Filmkunde. That’s all. Nothing more.

It would be most useful to locate a copy of the Brandon 16mm edition of 1983 as well as a copy of the Voyager Company’s VHS edition. They seem now to be impossible to find.

Continue to Chapter 39, The Metropolis Family Tree