You know how funny it is to see a common word transliterated into a foreign tongue, yes? For instance, until quite recently, Malcolm in Russian became Мэлколм, with the a becoming an e and with both l’s pronounced. It also often, more accurately, became Мэлком, with the second l omitted. You see, Russians generally cannot hear the difference between a short English a and a short English e. To the average Russian, “man” and “men” sound exactly the same. Ditto with “pan” and “pen,” and “jam” and “gem.” That is because the two sounds in Russian are interchangeable. So my Russian video editions of Caligula proudly announce the name of the star as Мэлком МакДауэлл. When I hear Мэлком, I think “Milk ’em? Milk what?”
Similarly, we have the word “Trump.”
That particular English u sounds like uh, and appears in such words as bus or cup;
it is the same as the Sanskrit अ.
Many languages have no equivalent.
To the best of my knowledge, you will never hear that sound in Greek, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Navajo, or Latin, and so I assume it is a rare sound.
How to render it into Russian?
The most sensible way, of course, would be “Трумп,” pronounced Troomp, with the vowel sounding like the oo in “noodle.”
Russian printers, though, don’t think this through, and so they give their readers Трамп, pronounced Trahmp,
but which, transliterated back into English, becomes Tramp.
That, it seems to me, is appropriate.
I’m beginning to get curious about this guy named Трамп.
He was on cordial terms with Franco Rossellini.
That means nothing to you, but it means a great deal to me.
You see, I am working on a book dealing with Franco Rossellini, so of course this interests me.
Yet I know that the cordiality was just a passing “Hello” now and then,
and maybe a few formal pleasantries around the table,
which was the inevitable result of their both patronizing Studio 54 and knowing Doris Duke and so forth.
Трамп also bought out Bob Guccione’s unfinished Atlantic City casino.
Interesting, yes, and that much caught my interest years ago,
simply because Bob Guccione back in 1976 decided that he would utterly ruin Franco Rossellini’s life, just because he could.
So that interests me, too.
Трамп’s ideas, of course, hold no interest for me.
It is hard not to wonder, though, where his ideas came from.
Some surely came from his dad, Fred Trump, a racist who seemed to be in the KKK.
(See “Warren Criticizes ‘Class’ Parades,” The New York Times vol. 76 no. 25,330, Wednesday, 1 June 1927, p. 16.
It’s not proof. It’s not even good evidence, not by a long shot. It does make you wonder, though.
Whatever the case, Fred definitely had mob connections:
“Trump and the Mob.”)
As for Donald himself, he was a hedonic partier, child trafficker, sex trafficker,
There are those who dismiss out of hand any claim that Трамп and his family and associates are con artists.
On the 9th of June 2016 Steve Reilly published an amusing little article in USA Today,
which he entitled,
“Hundreds Allege Donald Trump Doesn’t Pay His Bills.”
It’s a nice article. Here is an excerpt:
By the way, you do know, also, that Трамп is persistent in his claim that the Scottish people love him, yes?
![]() You’ve Been Trumped Yup. Isn’t he just so lovable and cuddly? How could you possibly hate a guy like that? See also “Take Action!”
Here is a sampling of Трамп’s accomplishments:
Melissa Bartick,
“Trump’s Criminal History Should Be Front and Center,”
HuffPost, 13 September 2017.
If he were just another nightlife scumbag, or just another crooked businessman, he would not register on my radar, except in the Rossellini and Guccione contexts.
Other than that, he would interest me not in the least.
His political skills are best exemplified in a video that a friend in Italy pointed out to me:
Battle of the Billionaires Takes Place at WrestleMania.”
Another grifter. Big deal. The world’s filled with ’em.
Yet he is more than that now, unfortunately.
As Трамп frequently claimed, his aim was
to bring people together,
apparently by inciting racist mob violence wherever he went.
This rancid behavior tends to upset many people, especially some of those on the left.
As for Трамп’s supporters, though, many see nothing wrong with this,
and many are entirely mystified by
I was stunned recently when I met a highly educated, highly articulate professional who follows domestic and foreign news intently.
He was angry with “liberals” for smearing Трамп as a racist, a claim he found preposterous
and the worst sort of desperate
As many of us know, Трамп was a vocal Democrat
who supported choice and single-payer and who abhorred many Republicans and much of the Republican platform.
What happened?
It’s not hard to figure out.
First, none of his earlier statements was
Now this violent,
unstable, raging, and hopelessly unintelligent lunatic is the president of the United States of America, despite having lost the vote.
That was so odd, but so predictable.
My prediction about the 2016 election was that Sanders would win the primary, which would result in Clinton being the nominee,
and that Clinton would win the vote, which would result in Трамп being named president.
Nobody believed me. Well...?
With the Voting Rights Act disemboweled,
and with gerrymandering
and voter suppression operating at full throttle, there was really no other possible outcome.
So few people realized that.
I have not the tiniest bit of love for any of those three candidates, but we ended up with by far the worst.
La Riva was the best candidate, but she didn’t stand a chance because she had no corporate sponsorship,
and also because she’s American Indian and hence unrelated to high government and business officials.
Further, and probably most importantly, she’s not an egomaniac.)
To counter the solid evidence of widespread voter suppression,
the current administration wheels out Kris Kobach to make the opposite claim of millions of duplicate and otherwise illegal votes.
This claim is echoed by the Heritage Foundation, a prominent political organization whose every pronouncement should be disbelieved.
Nonetheless, people believe this claim.
Upon winning the election, and prior to taking office, Трамп was already causing US diplomacy serious problems.
Politics has always been corrupt. That’s the name of the game, as we all know. Now, though, corruption has been taken to a whole new level,
as US diplomacy is being manipulated to enrich Трамп and his children,
and US diplomacy and policy are also held hostage to Трамп’s business interests.
Here is some level-headed reporting from Newsweek, 13 December 2016: Kurt Eichenwald,
Donald Trump’s Business Ties Are Already Jeopardizing U.S. Interests.”
The same journalist also penned an article for the 14 September 2016 issue:
the Trump Organization’s Foreign Business Ties Could Upend U.S. National Security.”
These offenses are impeachable — more than impeachable.
As Eichenwald writes, “the foreign policy of the United States of America could well be for sale.”
His prophecy was correct. Our foreign policy is for sale.
This, of course, is an impeachable offense.
Yet my prediction is that Трамп
will not be removed from office.
He’ll remain in office until 2024 or until he croaks from all that horrid junk food he’s been ingesting all his life.
Once Трамп is gone, our next administration will be even worse.
Why do I insist that Трамп will not be removed from office?
Well, allow me to introduce you to our next Supreme Court Justice, the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh,
who will be the deciding vote on all future cases, and he will decide everything in favor of corporations and the rich and powerful.
He won Трамп’s heart by arguing that a president cannot be investigated for any criminal acts.
So there.
Let’s see how we all enjoy the new rulings that will declare abortion and birth control and civil rights
not protected by the Constitution.
Let’s see how well that goes over.
As for Трамп being a moron, all we need note is
his public support of Alex Jones.
Imagine that: a president of the United States of America who believes the reporting on InfoWars.
To call this stupidity is to be too kind.
This is far worse than stupidity.
If Трамп is so vacuous,
so vapid, so
Is Трамп the only moron in this administration?
Get a load of Wilbur Ross.
As you can guess, Wilbur Ross is connected with the
Russian oligarchs and Russian money laundering.
Oh fun fun fun fun fun.
That ain’t all, ’cuz he ain’t the only one in that gang who’s that
As for Трамп being a moral imbecile, and as for those who would deny such,
we have
the lovely video of the executive helping hurricane-ravaged Puerto Ricans by tossing out a handful of rolls of paper towels,
as well as his insistence upon
blaming the natural disaster on the Puerto Ricans themselves, and promising to cease federal aid.
We also have John Kelly, while defending Трамп,
confessing that the president had
asked him how to make condolence calls,
apparently because Трамп didn’t have a clue.
So Трамп made a condolence call to the widow of a fallen soldier,
telling her brusquely that, “He knew what he was signing up for.”
Richard Painter, the ethics chief under G.W. Bush, explained that Трамп
“has no understanding of human emotions.”
We had that much figured out already.
We had that much figured out decades ago.
How did Трамп happen, and why?
At the
basest level, we can see that lots of voters were still outraged that a black guy had been in the White House for eight years.
Two of the most popular potential replacements were a woman and a Jew.
That was unacceptable. It was time to get back to normality
and elect the white German male of pure “Aryan” stock.
There was a collective sigh of relief, articulated best by Pamela Ramsey Taylor, who posted:
![]() (See also Chandrika Narayan, “Official Who Called Michelle Obama ‘Ape in Heels’ Gets Job Back,” CNN, Wednesday, 14 December 2016.)
There were surely reasons other than
As you can determine, I am far from an expert.
Nonetheless, I notice patterns.
It appears to me that Трамп and his
Now we have a new tax law that, after an eight-year initiation period, will cause our taxes to skyrocket,
and that drastically reduces taxes on the rich,
and that bores a further $1,500,000,000,000 hole in our debt.
What was the point of robbing the poor in order to transfer trillions to the rich?
Was this simply greed?
It was greed, certainly, but not so simply.
Our owners understood something better than we did.
They understood how vulnerable this country was,
despite having the world’s largest economy and by far the world’s largest military.
Instead of strategizing to strengthen the US, they decided to
plunder the treasury
and then get away while the going was still good.
By robbing all the rest of us of our money, our insurance, our retirement, our health, our safety, they have successfully neutralized us.
Now Team Трамп has the US allying with longtime enemies and alienating longtime allies.
The US’s days as a superpower had been numbered, yes,
but this current administration is ensuring that the numbered days will be as few as possible.
This is a coup d’état.
I never imagined that I would live through a coup d’état,
and even if I had imagined it, I would never have imagined that it would be conducted in this manner.
Instead of air raids, machine guns, bombs, and nerve gas,
what we got was voter suppression resulting in the largest transfer of wealth in all world history.
The revolution was almost peaceful, and I’m quite sure that more than half of the people in the US haven’t even noticed.
When did this revolution begin?
According to Franklin Foer, in “The
Plot Against America:
Decades Before He Ran the Trump Campaign, Paul Manafort’s Pursuit of Foreign Cash and Shady Deals Laid the Groundwork for the Corruption of Washington”
(The Atlantic, March 2018),
we can easily locate the START button in 1979/1980, during the Reagan campaign.
That makes sense to me.
There was decidedly a change right at that time.
Corruption, always endemic, was suddenly systemic.
So Manafort was the missing link in all these worldwide slaughters — Angola, Philippines, Nigeria, Somalia, Saudi Arabia....
I never would have guessed that everything was so interconnected.
There’s even a
To return now to the transfer of wealth,
we see that another boon for our owners is the jettisoning of food and water safety — it is now permissible to poison drinking water and food; indeed, it is encouraged.
The health regulations are gone.
The Supreme Court is now just a rubber stamp for big industry, and this will never change.
Трамп uniquely encouraged racist violence at his rallies, doing all in his power to set people against one another.
Divide et impera.
That’s an old technique, but I was a bit surprised to see it played out so openly.
Трамп’s big cheerleaders were the
American Nazi Party, the
Alex Jones, and
The National Enquirer, which won the day.
Weren’t those all supposedly the lunatic fringe — the lunatic fringe that would never have mass sway? We’re in trouble.
A guy I have worked with, not someone I would call dumb by any means, is totally
As for this bizarre fear of Muslims, how many people in this country can define the word “Muslim”?
How many people in this country can define the word “Islam”?
As for the violence the Muslims spread, who’s familiar with
this chart?
Not that this means
When the USSR fell to pieces, the US military and its suppliers were worried sick that they would lose profits.
Since there was no longer a Red hiding under every bed, we needed a new enemy.
We conveniently got Saddam Hussein, who had made the fatal error of publicly agreeing to be paid for oil in Euros as well as in dollars.
When you say things like that, you get into trouble.
So we had Iraq as the enemy, though there were some
Now Alex Jones and Fox News are cheerleading Трамп’s arrests of refugee children as young as eight months old,
snatched from their parents by the US government, shipped hundreds of miles away to concentration camps,
as their parents are shipped to different concentration camps, or shipped to prison, or shipped back home to their executioners.
Despite what Трамп and his propagandists insist, these are not illegal immigrants.
No effort has been made to keep records of which children belong to which parents.
The trauma these families, especially the children, are suffering, will never be cured.
Fox News defends this.
Fox News finds this hilarious.
Alex Jones is celebrating.
I refuse to link to his site, but he posted a cartoon showing a heavily tatooed
Would the day ever come when the entire Трамп crime family and all its
Remember back in school and college when our teachers and professors scoffed at conspiracy theorists?
Americans are such suckers for conspiracy theories, they would say, and they would insist that “There are no conspiracies!”
Conspiracy theories, they said, are the product of such disordered minds as those of Lyndon LaRouche and Garry Allen and John A. Stormer and so forth.
Okay. Fine.
Take a look at Jonathan Chait, “Will Trump Be Meeting with His Counterpart — or His Handler?
A Plausible Theory of
Better yet, we have Azeen Ghorayshi, “Trump’s Lawyer Said There Were ‘No Plans’ For Trump Tower Moscow. Here They Are,”
BuzzFeed, Tuesday, 22 January 2019.
That article led Frank Vyan Walton to post a timeline:
“Trump Tower Moscow Was a Much Larger Deal — and Potential Crime — Than Anyone Has Realized,” DailyKos, Sunday, 27 January 2019,
and what a timeline it is!
Again, no writer of fiction could possibly have invented this.
Among the minority who pay any serious attention to politics, there are two standard responses to current events:
(1) Justin Jouvenal,
Teen Is Charged with Killing His Girlfriend’s Parents. They Had Worried He Was a
There is much here I do not understand.
The Republican Party, the Party of Lincoln, no longer exists. It has not a single member.
The party that now calls itself Republican touts its “conservatism,” though nothing it does is conservative in any way at all.
What on earth is going on?
This is terribly difficult to puzzle out, but one person, quite by accident, has puzzled much of it out.
Her name is Nancy MacLean, and she has just published one of the most important books ever written:
Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America (New York: Viking, 2017).
I never knew, and I suppose almost nobody ever knew, that the modern
Here is a lovely documentary on how the Republican Party was usurped by the Tea Party: ![]() Crashing The Tea Party, So much for the Republican Party’s claim to conservatism.
Here is another lovely documentary, by Republicans!!!!!, on what is wrong.
This is about the strongest condemnation of Trumpism I have ever seen:
![]() The Sociopath, Those uneducated They constitute nearly half the population in this country.
Yet there are countless people in the US who still champion the
Peculiarly, though both major parties forever try to
David N. Farr, Emerson Electric Co., $7,231.80 per hour
Richard K. Templeton, Texas Instruments, Inc., $7,231.80 per hour John D. Idol, Michael Kors Holdings, Ltd., $7,231.80 per hour Christopher M. Crane, Exelon Corp., $7,279.69 per hour William C. Rhodes III, Autozone, Inc., $7,327.59 per hour Richard K. Davis, US Bankcorp, $7,327.59 per hour Vernon J. Nagel, Acuity Brands., Inc., $7,327.59 per hour Omar Ishrak, Medtronic PLC, $7,327.59 per hour Thomas J. Falk, Kimberly Clark Corp., $7,519.16 per hour Gregory Hayes, United Technologies Corp., $7,567.05 per hour Brian T. Moynihan, Bank of America Corp., $7,614.94 per hour Charles H. Robbins, Cisco Systems, Inc., $7,662.84 per hour Jeff M. Fettig, Whirlpool Corp., $7,710.73 per hour Eric C. Wiseman, V F Corp., $7,806.51 per hour Charles W. Scharf, Visa, Inc., $7,854.41 per hour Gary J. Goldberg, Newmont Mining Corp., $7,950.19 per hour Gary R. Heminger, Marathon Petroleum Corp., $7,950.19 per hour Andrew Wilson, Electronic Arts, Inc., $7,998.08 per hour Klaus Kleinfeld, Alcoa, Inc., $8,045.98 per hour Frederick W. Smith, FedEx Corp., $8,045.98 per hour Ian C. Read, Pfizer, Inc., $8,285.44 per hour Muhtar Ahmet Kent, Coca Cola Company, $8,429.12 per hour Satya Nadella, Microsoft Corp., $8,477.01 per hour Pierre Nanterme, Accenture PLC, $8,860.15 per hour Samuel R. Allen. Deere & Co., $8,908.05 per hour Paal Kibsgaard, Schlumberger, Ltd., $8,908.05 per hour W. Nicholas Howley. Transdigm Group, Inc., $8,955.94 per hour Brad D. Smith, Intuit, Inc., $9,003.83 per hour Stuart A. Miller, Lennar Corp., $9,195.40 per hour Gerald L. Hassell, Bank of New York Mellon Corp., $9,195.40 per hour Carol Meyrowitz, TJX Companies, Inc., $9,386.97 per hour Bruce D. Broussard, Humana, Inc., $9,434.87 per hour Gary E. Dickerson, Applied Materials, Inc., $9,434.87 per hour C. Douglas McMillon, Walmart Stores, Inc., $9,482.76 per hour Richard J. Kramer, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, $9,482.76 per hour Shantanu Narayen, Adobe Systems, Inc., $9,578.54 per hour Lloyd C. Blankfein, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., $9,674.33 per hour Miles D. White, Abbott Laboratories, $9,722.22 per hour Daniel P. Amos, AFLAC, Inc., $9,770.11 per hour Jeffrey R. Immelt, General Electric Company, $10,201.15 per hour David M. Cote, Honeywell International, Inc., $10,201.15 per hour Howard D. Schultz, Starbucks Corp., $10,440.61 per hour Michael F. Neidorff, Centene Corp., $10,536.40 per hour John H. Hammergren, McKesson Corp., $11,302.68 per hour Hock E. Tan, Broadcom, Ltd., $11,829.50 per hour James R. Murdoch, Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., $12,643.68 per hour Alex Gorsky, Johnson & Johnson, $12,883.14 per hour Thomas E. Dooley, Viacom, Inc., $13,362.07 per hour Stephen A. Wynn, Wynn Resorts, Ltd., $13,505.75 per hour Randall L. Stephenson, AT&T, Inc., $13,601.53 per hour Dion J. Weisler, HP, Inc., $13,745.21 per hour Virginia M. Rometty, IBM Corp., $15,660.92 per hour Marc Benioff, Salesforce.Com, Inc., $15,996.17 per hour Margaret C. Whitman, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, $17,049.81 per hour Safra A. Catz, Oracle Corporation, $19,588.12 per hour Mark V. Hurd, Oracle Corporation, $19,683.91 per hour Robert A. Iger, Walt Disney Company, $21,024.90 per hour Alex A. Molinaroli, Johnson Controls International, PLC, $22,222.22 per hour Mark G. Parker, Nike, Inc., $22,796.93 per hour Fabrizio Freda, Estee Lauder Companies, Ind., $23,180.08 per hour Thomas M. Rutledge, Charter Communications, Inc., $47,174.33 per hour
This list is of salaried executives only, and does not include entrepreneurs such as Charles Koch and Paul Singer and Robert Mercer.
When we check into the annual incomes of such entrepreneurs, our spirits, thankfully, are at long last lifted:
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, $4,310,344.83 per hour Jeff Bezos, Amazon/Whole Foods/Washington Post, over $17,097,701.15 per hour Many, most, or perhaps all of the above people find that the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is extortionate, since mere wage earners, they say, are inferior, are failures, and have done nothing to earn such lofty compensation. Many, most, or perhaps all of the above want you to believe that your monetary problems are the fault of greedy union workers or of immigrants. Yeah, right. This is North America, the land of the potlatch. Yeah.
Everyone who has a Facebook account, which I assume is almost every person on the planet who has an Internet connection, is passively and/or actively contributing to Zuckerberg’s salary.
Give it up.
Give up all your antisocial media. Now.
That begins to explain the
I basically agree.
Then there is a fascinating lecture by
What Ray says here was my basic inclination.
Yet the oddest things keep happening that could not possibly happen were Ray correct on this issue.
In response to the evidence reported, or misreported, in the news, I changed my mind in light of the ongoing investigations.
Then I changed it back, and then back again.
What clinched it for me was this article:
Kerry Howley, “‘The World’s Biggest Terrorist Has a Pikachu Bedspread’:
Not Every Leaker Is an Ideological Combatant Like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Reality Winner May Be the Unlikeliest of All,”
New York, 22 December 2017.
The last of my doubts is gone.
Yes, the Putin régime absolutely hacked our 2016 election.
Did “Guccifer 2.0” a/k/a “Fancy Bear” hack into the DNC computers and siphon off emails?
Yes, but that’s not necessarily how Wikileaks got the emails.
Unbeknownst to “Fancy Bear,” there was also someone called “Cozy Bear” who was scouring the DNC server.
So was it “Cozy Bear” who shot the emails over to Wikileaks?
Maybe. I don’t know.
So how did Wikileaks get the emails?
Another possibility:
Someone at the DNC leaked them.
Answer: Someone who was on more than one payroll.
What is the truth? We may never know.
Let’s back up a little bit.
Almost nobody in the US knows about recent Russian history.
Did I know much? No. So I’ve been learning, perhaps not as assiduously as I should, but I am learning.
Here is a wonderful overview, extremely informative, which makes so much sense of what had appeared senseless:
Here’s a somewhat different perspective, but equally important:
So there you go: By watching the above two videos, you get, in a mere few hours,
an astonishing education, better than you would get in several years of graduate school.
This was not possible just twenty years ago.
I dread the day when the authorities take this tool away from us.
Then we have an important article that makes even more sense out of what had appeared senseless:
![]() Franklin Foer, “Russian-Style Kleptocracy Is Infiltrating America: When the U.S.S.R. Collapsed, Washington Bet on the Global Spread of Democratic Capitalist Values — and Lost,” The Atlantic, March 2019. (The
Once you have digested those two pieces, you will understand the next piece:
![]() Tom Burgis, “Tower of Secrets: The Russian Money behind a Donald Trump Skyscraper: The Trump Toronto Reveals the Links between a Shadowy World of
Admittedly, under Clinton, the tensions between the West and Russia would have grown ominously.
See, for instance, Andrew E. Kramer,
Calls New U.S. Missile Defense System a ‘Direct Threat’,”
The New York Times, 12 May 2016.
Russia found the prospect of a Clinton presidency intolerable,
and thus had every incentive to do what it could to bend the US election to its favor.
Russia really did have security concerns, and the US did nothing to allay them.
Bad move, on all sides.
Despite Russian interference in our election, I am inclined to stick with my original conclusion that, in November 2016,
only two votes mattered:
Paul Singer’s and
Semion Mogilevich’s.
In light of recent revelations, I would add one more name, and say that only three votes mattered.
The third name:
Oleg Deripaska.
Have you ever had so much fun reading a legal document?
This is brilliant work, and I can’t begin to imagine how Mueller’s team dug up some of this information.
So, after reading this indictment, how willing will you be to believe the next political ad?
How willing will you be to join the next fishy-sounding activist group?
How willing will you be to accept ideology, any ideology?
How willing will you be to accept the next smear campaign as legitimate reporting?
Fine. Whatever.
There are things here I don’t understand.
If this indictment is the sum total of the Mueller team’s prosecution, then we’re all in trouble.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, for only Russian nationals are named, and there is no way on earth Russia will extradite them for hearings in the US.
(Katelyn Polantz, “Special Counsel Hits Snag in Bringing a Criminal Case against Russians,” CNN, 4 May 2018.
This is a surprise?)
So if this is Team Mueller’s final end product, then it does no good, except to serve as entertainment.
Will there be more indictments? Will Americans be indicted?
Putting all that aside, what do we learn from this marvelous
Back to Team Mueller.
Their document demonstrates the truth of the old adage that a vote for a third-party candidate is actually a vote for the ultimate winner.
Third parties, unfortunately, can serve only as distractions.
Let us hope this can change. Let us try to change this.
As I hope you have by now discerned, our two main parties are not our friends.
This document demonstrates, additionally, that nobody was worth voting for, and this is our tragedy.
A vote for any presidential candidate was just a vote for or against Russia.
Isn’t that strange?
Now, don’t let that discourage you from voting. We need everybody to vote.
Yes, I confess, I am tremendously grateful to our current administration for two things:
First, this administration has proved how wrong my ideas about the government were.
I had thought that politicians could operate only within a predetermined wiggle room — yes, even Nixon.
I never imagined that a president and his appointees could do any darned thing they pleased.
Second, I am thrilled that this administration is providing us more entertainment than we can handle.
We’re goin’ down, but at least we’re laughin’.
Well, we were laughing until Трамп put the US Federal Government in the
Once in a while, life plays a nice joke on us, and we can all laugh.
In this instance, Manafort’s lawyer submitted a statement to court,
but parts were “redacted,” or blacked out, to hide sensitive information.
Whoever did the redaction, whether the lawyer’s secretary, or a secretary at the court, neglected to “flatten” the result.
So yippee yippee yippee yay, we can reveal the secrets!
Simple Google searches also reveal the likely identities of the pseudonyms.
Redactions revealed: here
For no reason I can discern, I ended up on a list-serve called Quora.
I had never heard of it, I had never asked to be on it, I never subscribed to it, but nonetheless....
I hate to admit it, but sometimes there’s good stuff on those endless
Growing up, I occasionally heard the propagandistic line that when the US fell, Russia would fall too, and vice versa.
I thought that was a load of codswallop.
Now I see that there was an element of truth to that bogus aphorism, though probably an unintentional element of truth.
Both the US and Russia have fallen.
This is going to get too messy for my liking.
Russia is now in the grip of a handful of the world’s most dangerous gangsters,
and the US has fallen prey to Eric Prince and Blackwater, the president’s personal mercenary troops, beyond the reach of the law.
This is not good.
Can we rescue these two countries somehow?
I doubt we can, because the planet is heating and the Arctic permafrost is offgassing methane
as the modern incarnations of Russia and the US both insist that there is no climate problem,
and as the US fires its best scientists.
In truth, though, Russian infiltration into US politics is nothing new, and it hardly began with Трамп:
Amazed always by my blatant dumbnitude, dunderheadedness, thickskullery, something now occurs to me that should have occurred to me right away.
Obama promised to go gently on whistle blowers.
Then he went ballistic with Assange and Snowden. Why?
Well, after a few years, his beef with Assange began to make perfect sense.
Obama was right.
Still, though, I couldn’t understand his hostility towards Snowden.
Snowden, I thought, and many others thought, was just a whistle blower. Nope.
Granted, his revelations about the extent of surveillance and invasion of privacy were not a surprise.
We had this figured out already, at least as far as the basics were concerned.
Now, though, I understand, and now I agree.
Both Assange and Snowden are tools of the Kremlin.
Obama was between a rock and a hard place.
How was he to present this information in a reasonable-sounding way? Impossible.
On the 13th of March 2018 there appeared on bookshop shelves a magnificent, juicy,
Here are two excerpts:
Happened in Moscow: The Inside Story of How Trump’s Obsession With Putin Began” (Mother Jones, 8 March 2018) and
“Why the Hell Are We Standing Down?”
(Mother Jones, 9 March 2018).
Seldom have I been so impressed by journalism. This is top-of-the-line.
Now that we have this info, I understand why we are being cursed by an Assange and by a Snowden.
![]() Nick Anderson published this marvelous cartoon on Monday, 16 April 2018. Unexpectedly, the Russian Roulette book explains what a predicament Comey was in. He had no choice but to do what he did. Really. Sounds unbelievable, but he really had no choice.
As for the book: Yum yum yum. Brilliant reporting, even-handed, and totally damning.
It raises questions, though.
The intelligence agencies, together with the Democratic party, thought that regardless of election tampering, Clinton would win.
How could they have thought that?
Didn’t they know about gerrymandering?
Didn’t they know about the evisceration of the
Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Didn’t they know about Crosscheck?
How on earth could they have thought Clinton could possibly win?
Apparently Isikoff and Corn are unaware of these developments, either that or they think they are insignificant, for they make not a mention of such things in their tome.
Further, John Brennan, CIA head, had an idea that I find a bit bizarre:
“Brennan was thinking about the lessons of the 9/11
attack. Al Qaeda had been able to pull off that operation partly
because U.S. intelligence agencies — several of which had collected
bits of intelligence regarding the plotters before the attack — had not
shared the material within the intelligence community” (p. 184).
That is accurate, but fractional.
Does Brennan not realize that there was considerably more going on than Al Qaeda?
Or is he just being discreet?
One further thought: If those in authority know full well that online storage and email messages are so vulnerable to attack,
then why do they post anything sensitive on online storage and in email messages?
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Humans lived satisfactory lives without Internet hookups for hundreds of millennia.
Until recently, votes were counted quite quickly and efficiently by hand.
What is wrong with using paper? Why is there now such a resistance to using paper?
I don’t understand.
This situation raises a different question:
Why would the intelligence agencies assume that Hillary Clinton would win the election?
Greg Palast was pretty sure she was doomed.
I knew, from the moment Трамп announced his candidacy, that he would be the next president.
If this was obvious to me, why was it not obvious to the intelligence agencies?
There is an explanation.
Once upon a time, many moons ago, before I had a job, I read a book about job opportunities.
The intelligence agencies were among those mentioned in that book, of which author, title, and publisher have all vanished from my memory.
This book mentioned that anyone who had a 4.0 average, or preferably above 4.0, would be visited by the CIA and would likely receive a job offer.
The CIA, you see, like all the intelligence agencies, prizes intelligence, and wants only the cream of the crop among its ranks.
There is a massive problem, though, with 4.0 averages.
Students who maintain a straight 100% on all papers and tests, with higher points yet for the
Oh. Here’s a new anecdote, and it explains too much.
The CIA, the FBI, and many police departments use a
Am I being fair?
No, I am not being fair.
Is there another side to the story?
Yes, there is another side to the story.
Here it is: Edward Herman,
“Fake News on Russia and Other Official Enemies:
The New York Times, 1917–2017,” Monthly Review, vol. 69 no. 3, 1 July 2017.
As you can see, this is not a matter of right and wrong.
This is a matter of wrong and wrong.
Humans... I’ve never understood humans.
The Russia story gets funnier:
a Russian Spy Who Worked with Putin Is Now in Charge of US Embassy Security!” Daily Kos, 11 November 2017.
Not funny enough for you? Here’s the punch line: Julia Ioffe,
Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks,” The Atlantic, 13 November 2017.
Not convinced? Here’s the topper:
Bill Buzenberg, “WikiLeaks
Set Off an Attack on Our Trump-Russia Project — Right after Messaging Donald Trump Jr. about It,”
Mother Jones, 15 November 2017.
The Senate voted to confirm Brian Benczkowski as head of the criminal division of the US Department of Justice.
Who is Brian Benczkowski?
Why, a legal representative of Vladimir Putin’s Alfa Bank, of course!
Difficile est saturam non scribere.
Is there more? Of course there’s more.
Here is the briefest chronology of what happened:
Mark Sumner, “What
Russia Did for Trump — A Stream of Stolen Documents Defined the Campaign,” Daily Kos, Friday, 8 December 2017.
Now that’s hilarious — unless you have a sense of humor.
So there is no question whatever that the election was stolen, and that the theft was performed in part by use of pilfered opposition strategy.
Please scroll down to the comments until you find the lengthy one by wildblue,
time stamped “Dec 08 04:46:52 PM,”
which opens with the words, “Nice job Mark! There are a couple of things I do not understand....”
He took the words right out of my mouth, and added plenty I would never have thought of.
His comments are truly scary — unless, of course, you’re a fascist.
Another informative article is by James Risen, “Is Donald Trump a Traitor?” The Intercept, 16 February 2018.
Topping this off is an editorial by Julian Sánchez, “Russia Wanted Trump to Win. And It Wanted to Get Caught,”
The New York Times, 17 February 2018.
Sánchez may just be on to something.
Do you see the opportunity here that I see?
Let us now back up a few months.
Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence who has (had?) a sterling reputation with the FBI for providing fiercely accurate information,
wrote a series of memos about what Russians in the know were saying about Трамп.
Much, but not all, has been confirmed.
The Ritz Carlton story, though, I do not believe.
It supposedly took place in 2013 during the Miss Universe trip,
but there was not a moment for such
As we can see, though informants are not named, there is enough identifying information to cause ructions.
That, in large part, is why these memos were kept secret.
It was BuzzFeed
that somehow
got hold of these memos and released them for all the world to see.
So it is BuzzFeed that must take responsibility for the following:
More? More? You want more? Erin Burnett,
Prominent Russians Dead Since US Elections,” CNN, 31 March 2017.
Think for a moment.
Who blabbed? Think. Just think.
Who knew who did what? Who had access to the
![]() This is from a movie called Our New President, by Maxim Pozdorovkin. Watching this pains me, because, I confess, I’ve always been rather fond of the Slavic peoples. This is not the behavior, this is not the vocabulary, this is not the attitude I want to believe could ever emanate from average Russians. Politicians, yes. Paid trolls, yes. FSB agents, yes. Not average Russians. Yet here it is. I don’t like to witness this. This is the direct result of mountains of propaganda. Propaganda is mind poison, and even small doses can be lethal. Also, if you’ve ever been impressed by RT, this movie will cure you of that, permanently. ![]() Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin threatened to ban YouTube from Russia if this video were not removed. I almost feel sorry for some of the villains in this piece. For instance, the FSB hookers are almost tragic figures. They do not merely rent out their bodies, they discard their minds, they cultivate vindictiveness, and they force themselves to be phenomenally stupid (“Alex, one of us will find you and f*** you and post the video of it on the Internet. Because of you and those like you, people keep fighting wars now”). What fulfilling lives they lead. Note my wording: I almost feel sorry for them, because they are almost tragic figures. Anyway, basically all I know about Alekseĭ Navalnyĭ is this video. If I were to judge by this alone, my verdict is that I would vote for him in a heartbeat. ![]() “Model with 2016 Secret Fights to Escape Russia, Oleg Deripaska’s Reach,” Here’s the
James Risen and others have been critiqued/attacked (crittacked) for using the word “treason” in describing this administration’s crimes.
Yes, by the strict constitutional definition, none of the crimes constitutes treason.
In all honesty, though, there is another way of looking at it, and there is nothing wrong with using the standard dictionary definition.
In response to an online article entitled
Biden When He Saw The Intelligence: ‘If This Is True, It’s Treason” (Daily Kos, 13 March 2018),
a reader who goes by the moniker “kurious” posted a musing about the definition of treason:
I can see one of the underlying problems. It screams out at me. The US, having witnessed the fall of the Soviet Union and its vassal states, was overconfident. The enemy had been defeated, and the hero vindicated. Triumphalism was in the air — a triumphalism that resulted in the destruction of Yugoslavia and a war in Chechnya. The US has not learned its lesson: Triumphalism and overconfidence are fatal errors, quite literally fatal. The US demanded that the Commie lands instantly convert to Capitalism. Why? What difference does it make? The US should have demanded open societies rather than closed ones. Open and closed are the issues that matter. Rules concerning whether oligarchs should run industry rather than state officials is a different issue, which can and should be tabled until open societies are firmly established. An open society cannot last under rule either by state officials or by oligarchs, and that, I guess, is why the US never, under any circumstances, pushes for open societies. Yet, ironically, the US is basically an open society, but it is closing, little by little, and that worries me. So Russia, in two seconds flat, dumped its state resources into the laps of a handful of private billionaires. Did that really make a difference? So by losing the USSR, the Russians won the battle. The Трамп régime sided with the winner. That’s all. I have zero hope that the current administration will be curtailed in any of its activities, with or without Трамп/Pence; but even should I be proved wrong, the damage is done, for the current administration has reconfigured the federal courts, ensuring that the major global conglomerates will never lose, and that the rest of us will never win: Kate Harloe, “How Donald Trump Is Remaking the Federal Courts in His Own Image: The President’s Judicial Nominees Have Been Notably White, Male, and Conservative.,” Mother Jones, 9 November 2017. “White,” “Male,” and “Conservative” are not my main concerns. “On the take” is my main concern. Did you know that Supreme Court Justices are legally permitted to preside over cases in which they have conflicts of interest? I didn’t. What little I knew. Gorsuch, as we all know, is the tool of Koch Industries. It was the Koch brothers who got him into office, through machinations that in any other country would be illegal. Charles Koch is the
Another book came out recently, Timothy Snyder’s
The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America
(NY: Tim Duggan Books, 2018), and it has a wealth of information that I never knew or suspected, for instance
So that’s what the world was dealing with.
Look at what the world is (not) dealing with now:
Morgan Wright, “Russia Is Already Warmed up for a Massive Attack on US Energy Grid,” The Hill, 16 March 2018.
Read that. Read that carefully. It’s coming.
Surely one reason that our politicians are playing along with the Kremlin and doing so little to prevent the attack is that any attempt at prevention will pull the trigger.
For heaven’s sake, why are our electrical grids, why are our nuclear reactors, why are our gas systems, why are our water systems connected to the Internet?
Purest suicidal idiocy.
Who was dumb enough to do that? To permit it? Not to prosecute it? Who? I want to know!
Utilities need to be taken off the Internet — now. Yesterday.
Returning to news of home, the bigger issue is that, even removing Russia from the mix, the US was primed for the election insanity already.
If we in the US were sensible beings, the idiocies of the past half century would never have happened.
If we in the US were sensible beings, Russia would never have gotten a foothold here.
As it was, even had Russia done absolutely nothing, the election results would have been the same,
because the
Can we simply vote these ogres out of office? Not so likely.
Alan Grayson sent out an intriguing mass email recently, which makes for sobering reading.
(In brackets I inserted four words that were quite obviously dropped in error.)
Alan made a mistake: In THREE of the last five Presidential elections, the Democrat won the popular vote, and lost the election. 2000, 2004, 2016. Putting the Трамп story together is not easy. Трамп is an illiterate and often incoherent stooge being used by all manner of criminals. Let’s do just a tiny bit of shallow digging on the Internet. Hmmmm. We find some fascinating stories, don’t we?
Of course, there is no solid proof of the Russian hacking of the US election.
John Pilger, who bizarrely insists upon the “proof” of Clinton’s collusion with Saudi Arabia and Qatar to create and support ISIS,
continues to emphasize the absence of any proof in the Трамп/Russia scandal.
Others, mostly on the extreme right, do the same.
Pilger is wrong, for there is no proof of the Clinton/ISIS claim, nor is there even any good evidence.
As a matter of fact, the cited evidence actually demonstrates the exact opposite!
Pilger is correct, though, that we have no proof regarding Трамп’s collusion with Russia in tampering with the election.
Nonetheless, we do have good evidence, and we also have circumstantial evidence.
Let us examine the weakest of these three categories.
![]() When you watch this on YouTube, you can see the work of the trolls and astroturfers in the comments underneath.
At the beginning of this essay, I pointed out what others have pointed out:
Our foreign policy is now for sale.
The Трамп administration conducts foreign policy in order to benefit Трамп’s personal investments.
That is why he is now making nice with proven enemies and being hostile towards proven allies.
Why were we surprised (why was I surprised) when it was announced that it was not only Russia that helped Трамп win the election?
It was also Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and at least one Israeli.
Why was this a suprise?
Mark Mazzetti, Ronen Bergman and David D. Kirkpatrick,
“Trump Jr.
and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election,”
The New York Times, 19 May 2018.
Now do we understand why Трамп had the US withdraw from the Iran nuclear treaty?
Трамп had the US withdraw as a favor to the Saudi and UAE royals.
Does that make you feel comfortable?
Will the story end with
![]() As you all know, ZTE is spying on the US. Tara Francis Chan, “The FBI Is ‘Deeply Concerned’ about Espionage from Companies Like Chinese Tech Giant ZTE as Trump Tries to Lift Sanctions on Them,” Business Insider, 16 May 2018. The Senate, in one of its few brief moments of sanity, put a stop to this nonsense. The House, in one of its continual bouts of lunacy, then reversed the Senate’s legislation. I’ve been on this planet for more than a half-century now, and I can assure you that it was not until the current administration that the news was ever an unending stream of captivating entertainment.
As you all know, since it has been the headline of every newspaper every day for several years now,
the US purchases some of its military weaponry from China.
John Shiffman, Andrea Shalal-Esa,
“Exclusive: U.S. Waived Laws to Keep F-35 on Track with China-Made Parts,” Reuters, 3 January 2014.
This has been reported constantly since 2010 if not earlier.
Did you notice? Or were you too busy paying attention to the stories about Angelina Jolie’s weight problems?
The US purchases military weaponry from a country that is conducting espionage on the US military.
Ooooo this makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
That was a pretty good punch line, wasn’t it?
A good punch line is always followed by a topper.
Cristina Maza, “U.S. Military Is Running Out of Bombs,”
Newsweek, 23 May 2018.
Get it? Get it? Get it?
No? We’re running out of bombs because we purchase the ingredients from China, which suddenly finds that it can no longer supply us.
Get it now?
That’s a real
Because I have a suspicious mind, I am putting two and two together, and I don’t think my result is seven.
The Трамп administration is doing everything in its power to pit us all against one another: immigrant-native-black-white-and-whatnot.
The Трамп administration is doing everything in its power to allow anyone and everyone to purchase guns and automatic weapons for the asking.
The Трамп administration is doing everything in its power to eliminate safety and health laws.
The Трамп administration is doing everything in its power to slash or eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and probably retirement as well.
My deeply suspicious mind detects a pattern here.
My deeply suspicious mind concludes that the Трамп administration wants this country to degenerate into a bloodbath.
None of the above goals, of course, is anything new.
These attempts have been continuous, and they shall continue even if the Трамп administration magically vanishes in a puff of smoke tonight.
Yet it’s all so blatant now, so terribly blatant, so terribly concentrated, so terribly focused.
Now we’s in the middle of a prolonged federal shutdown.
Трамп says we are in a shutdown until he gets his Wall.
What a load of rot.
We are in a shutdown for a different reason.
If the shutdown lasts long enough, federal employees will run out of the money they’ve been putting aside for a rainy day.
If the shutdown lasts long enough, there will be no federal staff to check on food safety, airplane safety, or security.
Somebody’s gonna have a ball, and there’s going to be lots of bloodshed.
Just what Трамп wants.
Besides, the bane of Трамп’s existence is the intelligence community,
and if the shutdown had lasted long enough, there would have been no more intelligence community.
Now Трамп is threatening to reinstate the shutdown.
Then amazing things happened.
After Трамп demanded that the US
surrender to ISIS and the Taliban,
leaving the Kurds in the lurch, once again,
ISIS lost its principal territory.
Yet ISIS is not gone, and it will regroup, and it remains lethal.
At about the same time, against all expectation, a new Congress was voted into power.
There were sufficient votes to overcome the suppression and gerrymandering, which means that the true result must have been a landslide.
Was I happy about this?
No. Why? Because I knew things would go wrong.
Establishment Democrats are to the Democratic Party what the Tea Party is to the Republican Party.
New representative Ilhan Omar
tweeted a truth about AIPAC, and the Democrats, predictably, censured her and demanded an apology,
which, to my tremendous disappointment, she delivered.
I wish she had stood her ground.
Once again, as ever, a criticism of Israel’s policies and Israeli lobbying is misreported as
Put it all together and you begin to wonder, don’t you?
President.... President.... Forty percent approval rating....
62,979,636 US citizens who support mob violence....
This means that the US will no longer be a superpower.
This means that the US economy will collapse.
Nobody’s going to weep for us.
It’s tragic that some 300,000,000 innocent people will need to suffer for this.
Take a look at this little video.
(Sorry. I tried to embed the videos on this page, but that slowed everything down to a snail’s pace.
So just click on the links.)
![]() “ALL U.S. Presidents Except One Related to One British King,” BridgeAnne d’Avignon. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. Has this tradition ended with the current “outsider” executive? I hardly think so. Judy Kurtz, “Trump, Hillary Are Distant Relatives, Experts Say,” The Hill, 25 August 2015.
Is BridgeAnne d’Avignon’s research correct? I’d be surprised if it isn’t.
If this were true of another country, we would call that country an oligarchy.
Since this is our own country, we call ourselves a democracy.
In a democracy, citizens fashion their own government policies.
When is the last time you remember participating in the fashioning of your own government policies?
Now, don’t worry. I’m not one of these crazies who rants about how “the globalists” and the “Illuminati”
are crushing our precious democracy by means of the CFR and whatnot.
Yet I’m sure most people would classify me as one such crazy.
Granted, there are more wacko ideas about how the world works than you or I would ever be able to tally.
That phenomenon works to the advantage of propagandists.
You see, in response to the crazies, many supposedly sober and responsible people (for instance, university history professors)
tell us to disbelieve all ideas about how the world works, except, of course, for those issued from official channels.
Oh how I loved it when those history professors argued, endlessly,
that history can be written only by trained historians with Ph.D.’s,
and that anyone else, including actual participants and eyewitnesses, should be dismissed out of hand.
Rather than pay attention to our history professors,
we should, instead, take heed of the old
To my surprise, I’ve discovered that these past two decades or so have seen
the independent production of small videos that explain the basics.
Hope you’re open to viewing and evaluating them.
History and PolSci profs will dismiss all of this as gullibility and naïveté,
and will argue that politicians are sincere in their desire to help us.
That got a huge laugh in my US Diplomacy class way back in the autumn of 1980.
That raucous reaction prompted the prof to convince us all that he was right and that we were wrong for being so cynical.
It worked. He convinced us all. I’m ashamed that I too fell for his packs of lies.
Most other people, I have learned, will angrily dismiss the below information out of hand
and put it down to the ravings of the
![]() Naomi Klein, “The Worst Is Yet to Come with Trump, So We Must Be Ready for Shock Politics,” Democracy Now! 30 June 2017. She’s my nominee for Person of the Century. When this video disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. ![]() Naomi Wolf, “The End of America,” Kane Hall, University of Washington–Seattle, 11 October 2007. When YouTube deletes this,
Here’s the other wonderful Naomi.
She was justifiably worried that we were well on the road to dictatorship in 2007, or at least martial law.
I had the exact same fear, and I was predicting martial law between the November 2008 election and the January 2009 inauguration.
Thank heaven I was wrong!
She wrote a marvelous book,
The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot (White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2007),
which I recommend in the strongest terms.
Fortunately for us all, the pattern didn’t play out according to the script.
Apparently the US is too large and too amorphous to close down so quickly.
Despite voter suppression and rigging, Obama’s numbers so overwhelmed the scheming that he prevailed anyway.
True, Obama was no angel, and his administration did little to reverse the Bush administration’s infrastructure,
and actually made some of it much worse,
but his administration was nonetheless a damper on the Crazies’ plans.
Everything Naomi detailed in her book is still part of our current reality.
She updated her work during the Obama years:
![]() Naomi Wolf, “The End of America — Revisited,” New Hampshire Liberty Forum. When YouTube deletes this,
This talk is even better than the previous one.
It’s cathartic for me to hear someone else express some of my own suspicions about shadow government and political theatre.
Rather odd to see Naomi talking to libertarians, for she is certainly not a libertarian herself.
Everybody that night was open to different ideas, though.
This talk was given just before it became clear that Assange was a nutcase.
![]() “Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent,” National Film Board of Canada, 1992. When right-wingers see and listen to Noam, what they see is an angry old grouch consumed with hatred. That’s not what I see at all. When this video disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. ![]() H. Bruce Franklin, “How the Fascists Won World War II,” Counterpunch, 6 August 2020. I’ve been wondering about this for decades. I still do not understand. ![]() “Four Horsemen — Feature Documentary - Official Version,” Renegade, Inc.. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “Koch Brothers EXPOSED,” Brave New Films. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “The Century of the Self,” Adam Curtis. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “The Power of Nightmares, Part One,” Adam Curtis. When it disappears from DailyMotion, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “The Power of Nightmares, Part Two,” Adam Curtis. When it disappears from DailyMotion, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “The Power of Nightmares, Part Three,” Adam Curtis. When it disappears from DailyMotion, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “9/11 — The Anatomy of a Great Deception,” David Hooper. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “Immigrants for Sale,” Brave New Films. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “CIA Analyst Discusses the Assassination of Edward Snowden,” WHDT 9. I entirely distrust Snowden, and now I’ve become uneasy about McGovern. So what should I do? Still worth watching, though. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here. ![]() “The Real Agenda of the American Empire,” Ray McGovern. You can skip ahead to 46:04. When I first saw this, I loved it; now I have misgivings, but it’s still worth watching. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and ![]() “The Secret History of the American Empire,” John Perkins. When it disappears from YouTube, right-click and save-as here.
Oh this could go on and on and on.
Thanks to the free use of the Internet, which I predict will soon be taken away from us,
we now have access to mountains of information that previously would have been either entirely unobtainable
or available but only with great difficulty, and only if we knew to look for it.
Now, these past twenty years or so, much information is just a browser search and a click away.
This still amazes me. It is a hopelessly unreal childhood fantasy made fact.
There’s plenty more. Keep searching.
Be careful, of course. Often what seems most credible is actually manufactured.
The opposite is similarly the case, as what seems most incredible is sometimes true.
It is impossible at first glance to tell the difference, and our college professors are paid to lead us astray.
Be even more careful, because truth and propaganda get mixed, sometimes accidentally, sometimes intentionally.
One of the videos above, and I won’t tell you which one,
interviews an authority, whom I shall not name, who is actually a disinformation specialist,
and in the video he provides data that are misleadingly fractional.
One of my favorite journalists, who is in one of the videos above,
has also willingly submitted to an interview, at least once, by Alex Jones,
and surprisingly he didn’t seem to understand that he had just been used.
So what do we make of all this?
Having witnessed the mainstream news media in action, I saw firsthand that news is their least concern.
The concern is spin, which is what advertisers like.
Perhaps I’m a cynic (I’ve been accused of being such), but even I was shocked by the mindless cynicism of many journalists
who just took it as read that anyone and everyone they were interviewing had an ulterior motive, had an angle, and was trying to peddle something.
The thought that maybe some of their interviewees might simply have been telling the truth never occurred to them.
That’s the sort of cynicism that nullified any value in reporting.
When we add all this together,
the only reasonable conclusion we can draw is that the news media are designed only to misreport and to make money.
As for our oligarchy, my conclusion, which is open to modification should better information be forthcoming,
is that nearly all politicians in the UK and US and probably some other countries too are billionaire members of the same extended family
who all belong to the same secretive clubs and lodges,
and who are all in bed with the world’s financial interests as well as with various international criminal syndicates.
Read Jeff Sharlet’s book,
The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power,
and if that doesn’t ruin your sleep, nothing will.
It might interest you to take a look at this emblem.
Then if you notice a similarity with
this other emblem
that just proves you have a suspicious mind, that’s all.
Currently Arizona just has just suppressed a vote.
This is nothing new.
This has been going on since before I was born.
My conclusion, which is not so open to modification,
is that our supposedly free elections just give us the choice of which member of this élite family
we wish to have as our country’s hood ornament.
Further, our choice doesn’t matter.
If, despite voter suppression and police blockades preventing people of darker complexions from reaching their polling places,
the vote still goes against the wishes of the financial interests, they’ll change it.
All elections in the US are driven by campaign contributions, which in any other country would be called bribes.
“Liberal” and “conservative” administrations alike commit war crimes
and kidnap refugees to fly them back to their executioners.
Flagrant warmongers and human-rights violators Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama were given Nobel Peace Prizes,
in consequence of which all other Laureates should (but don’t) return their awards.
Hollywood entertainment consistently makes the point that the indigenous peoples of the US are white Europeans.
(The rare exceptions do little or nothing to illustrate the truth, but provide yet another comforting fantasy.)
Hollywood has further conditioned us to worship the rich.
Our heroes and idols are movie stars and sports stars and rock stars and TV stars who earn more in a month
than any of the rest of us will earn in a lifetime.
In that irreal milieu, such TV shows as Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous were hits,
convincing us that we shall soon have our day too.
That’s totally delusional. We shall not have our day, ever, and we shall never be allowed to.
The billionaires grab up all the money without putting it back into the economy, driving us all into poverty and debt,
and we celebrate them for it. We love them for it. We worship them for it.
The billionaires then convince us that our money troubles
are all the fault of refugees or welfare recipients or illegal immigrants
(we are the illegal immigrants, not the Méxicans and American Indians we are arresting and deporting)
or Muslims or Commies or environmentalists or whomever,
and that in response we must go to war against country after country after country
to rid the world of such terrorists as ISIL which was largely a US creation to begin with.
It should come as no surprise that assaults are now becoming commonplace at presidential spectacles,
with the victims being arrested while the perpetrators are cheered.
People generally mock me when I say that indigenous peoples such as the American Indians
had what were, despite their innumerable faults, societies that were superior to ours,
in large part because nobody surrendered decision-making duties to leaders
and also in large part because everybody participated in every aspect of life.
People mock me even more when I further conclude that civilization is the root cause of all our ills.
Thanks to civilization and its sibling, industrialism,
we are nearly out of fossil fuels, nearly all the world’s water has been poisoned,
and industry-induced climate shift is causing crops to fail.
If by some miracle we are not extinct by the year 2050,
then the few survivors will not have any of the luxuries we take for granted.
Without industrialized farming, there won’t be enough food to go around to feed even a hundredth of us.
Central heating, thermostats, refrigeration,
Solution to these world probs? Well, it’s not something that one can do on one’s own.
It would take a massive group effort: Get off the monetary system.
There’s no such thing as “clean money.”
Let’s just abandon the stuff altogether.
It would take millions of us acting in concert, though, to do that.
I wanted to add a few more videos to the above collection.
For instance, about ten years ago a Gore Vidal fan sent me a video by Bill Still called The Money Masters.
I’m not an economist, but what I saw seemed well-argued and accurate, and I was deeply impressed.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I never in a hundred lifetimes would have expected to see what I just saw or to hear what I just heard
coming from Bill Still’s mouth.
You see, he supports Alex Jones and Donald Trump. Say what????
So that settles it.
Everything Bill Still said was wrong.
That further proves how naïve I am. I fell for this stupid video.
I bet lots of people would laugh at my stupidity, because they saw this coming from miles away.
As I sift through his web site and sample the comments from his followers, I get the chills.
I bumped into another video, too, that seemed exceptionally promising,
about the way the mass media manipulate not only our opinions, but our minds, our tastes, our consciences,
about how the mass media are reshaping us into being something no longer quite human.
Intelligent, perceptive, engrossing. I was quite excited when I started watching it. It was a genuine discovery.
Then, just a few minutes in, it condemned homosexuality as a perversion that results from this media conditioning.
What? Are these people totally insane? Yes, they are.
Getting back to our oligarchy, our extended international royal family, there are admittedly a few nice members of it.
I met and interviewed one, a rather famous one,
who had no love of the status quo and wished to see it all burn to the ground, though he didn’t exactly say so.
Instead of propping up the guys in power, he was the spokesperson for those most in need
and he quite secretly and anonymously donated to progressive charities,
though he mysteriously chose never to make friends with those in need, those at the bottom of the pyramid.
I suppose he was just too painfully shy and awkward and frightened and fragile
to endure the thought of socializing in unfamiliar circles.
At the time I didn’t completely understand why he was so emotionally unstable and why he was an alcoholic. Now I know.
Any sensitive person growing up in that horrid milieu would inevitably become emotionally unstable.
Those who thrive in that milieu —
the Cheneys and Clintons and Bushes and Obamas and Carters and so forth —
are such disturbed people with such deformed minds that they can be considered human only physically.
Perhaps they are simply so inbred that their brains atrophied in the womb.
Some of them (G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Tony Blair, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio,
Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, for instance)
certainly look retarded and even maniacal,
though I’m in no position to determine if they actually are.
No matter; they are unquestionably bizarre and devoid of the most elemental human sympathies.
Why does nobody state the obvious?
(Sanders looks human, but don’t be fooled.
If these people were not famous or politically connected, and if they wandered into a meeting,
we would gently escort them out of the room and then secure the door shut.
Yet because they are famous and politically connected, we take them seriously
and accept that they can be our leaders and make our decisions for us. Why?
There’s some guy on YouTube who calls himself
![]() “Heil Trump: A Warning to America” When YouTube deletes this, download it. ![]() “Hillary Clinton: Republican for President” When YouTube deletes this, download it. ![]() “Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again” When YouTube deletes this, download it. ![]() “Donald Trump’s AmeriKKKa: His Craziest, Most Racist Supporters” When YouTube deletes this, download it. Comedy writers and satyrists, here’s your material. How many you could invent such a rich lode of surrealism? ![]() “Alex Jones and the Rise of the Fourth Reich” When YouTube deletes this, download it. Yup. YouTube took it down, I suppose because the exposé dealt with topics so repulsive that they could not even be presented as an exposé.
Back when I lived in Western New York, I had the occasional encounter with the police.
Occasional. Like at least once a month.
There was one encounter in particular that convinced me to leave that part of the country forever.
That particular encounter showed me something.
It showed me that the police, in addition to being merciless and violent thugs with an intelligence somewhat akin to that of a slime mold,
also have a peculiar interest in small children, a very disturbing interest in small children.
That got me to wonder about something.
A few days ago I received an email from Ocean Recovery in the UK, which requested that I add a graphic to this page.
I hereby do so. It deals with the “War on Drugs,” which, I hope most of us have figured out by now, is anything but a war on drugs.
Pretty interesting, and, as far as I can determine, pretty accurate.
The police I encountered seemed also to have a most peculiar interest in this topic as well —
a most pecular interest, or perhaps obsession would be a better word.
As the police were priding themselves on doing a superlative psychoanalysis of me,
I realized quite clearly that they were actually describing themselves.
Oh. I mentioned above that there are countless wacko ideas. Yes.
Remember how the hippie movement got started circa 1967?
It was the work, I’m sure, of the FBI’s Cointelpro, and it was done to discredit the antiwar movement.
The shrinks at the FBI correctly gauged that youngsters would be swept away by the
example their agents set with long hair and beads and a recently banned common backyard weed and a defiantly proud inarticulateness.
It worked wonders.
The hippies coöpted the antiwar movement and thereby inadvertently discredited it. Exactly according to plan.
(No, I have no proof of this, but it’s all so bloody obvious, isn’t it?)
Similarly, I’m convinced that many or most of the
FRIDAY, 23 NOVEMBER 2018: Just ran across this, and I wasn’t even looking for it.
Well, you know, these computerized targeted suggestions on the Internet know exactly what they’re doing:
![]() CIA Hippie Mind Control: Inside Laurel Canyon with Dave McGowan See? I told you I never cared for rock music.
Speaking of reptiles, of course, leads us to this monstrous research:
![]() “Cloned Human Embryos As Well As Animal Human Hybrids?,” Sky News. When it disappears, right-click and save-as here.
The implications are staggering. We’re in trouble.
![]() MKUltra Mind Control: America’s Secret War — History Channel Think this has stopped? Not a chance. When it disappears, right-click and save-as here. |